Do you have an innovative idea that has the potential to transform children’s lives? This opportunity is for you ➡️🚀 Join the Spark Incubator and Awards, a new internal idea incubator which aims to discover and equip UNICEF colleagues across the globe with the time, funds, and visibility to innovate for children.   

Submit your idea by 7 OctoberSpark Incubator and Awards Applications  


Nine solutions will be announced to participate in the 2022 Spark Incubator cohort in October. The winners will receive:  


  • Innovation Coaching Support: 3.5 months of dedicated incubation support on topics such as Business Models, Scale Models, Developing MVPs, User Testing, and Project Communications. 
  • Pilot Funding: $20,000 in funding per idea/project during the incubation period.  
  • Innovation Week in Stockholm: Up to 2 weeks of support and networking during the incubation period in Stockholm, Sweden (costs for one team member will be supported by the OoI)   
  • Protected Time: 1 day per week of protected time to develop the solution (a total of 14 days spread across 3.5 months)
  • Spark Award Funding: $150,000 in additional funding will be awarded to the three winning solutions at the end of the incubation period in December 

Learn more about the Spark Incubator and Award eligibility criteria and timelines here.  


Ongoing support through our the application timeline available during weekly webinars on 28 September and 5 October at 2:00pm CET. Register here to attend these webinars.  


We look forward to learning about your ideas. Help us spread the word and invite fellow innovators to apply!



Best regards,


UNICEF Office to the African Union & ECA

|UNECA Compound, Congo Building, South Wing, 3rd Floor, Box 1169, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Tel: +251 115 184 036; Fax: +251 11 551 1628 | Email:

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For every child, a healthy environment


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