*ANYONE THAT ANNOYS YOU* --is teaching you patience and calmness.

*ANYONE THAT ABANDONS YOU* --is teaching you how to stand up on your own feet.

*ANYBODY THAT OFFENDS YOU* --is teaching you forgiveness and compassion.

*ANYTHING THAT YOU HATE* --is teaching you, unconditional love.

*ANYTHING THAT YOU FEAR* --is teaching you the courage to overcome your fears.

*ANYTHING YOU CAN'T CONTROL* --is teaching you to let go.

*ANY "NO" YOU GET FROM HUMAN* --is teaching you to be independent.

*ANY PROBLEM YOU'RE FACING* --is teaching you how to get a solution to problems.

*ANY ATTACK YOU GET FROM PEOPLE* --is teaching you the best form of defence.

*ANYONE WHO LOOKS DOWN ON YOU* --is teaching you to look up to CREATOR ( *GOD* ).
Always look out for the lesson in every situation you face in every phase of life.
Be polite, calm, gentle and thankful to God because He will be with you to the end.
Life had taught me lessons. I do not see people at my cross road, because humans are not reliable.


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